Admission is done in the school throughout the session as per the AWES Rules in order to facilitate the admission to children of Army personnel coming on transfer from out station, subject to the stipulation laid down by the CBSE in Classes IX – XII and vacancies existing. Admission is extended to wards of different categories as per the rules laid down by the AWES , giving preference to candidates whose parents are posted in the local Military Station.

Though the requirement of Central Board of Secondary Education that the All India Secondary Examination shall be open to pupils who have attained the age of 15 years on 30th September of the year in which they take the examination has been abolished with effect from the examination of 1983, the age of admission to various classes in Army Public Schools, however, shall be regulated as indicated below :

For Admission to class The student should complete the under-mentioned years of age on 31 Mar of the year in which admission is sought
I 5 Years
II 6 Years
III 7 Years
IV 8 Years
V 9 Years
VI 10 Years
VII 11 Years
VIII 12 Years
IX 13 Years
X 14 Years